Monday, October 21, 2013

Response to Articles

In Lolita and the Dangers of Fiction by Mathew Winston, it talks about how Humbert Humbert confuses what he is writing between fiction and reality. Winston also talks about how Nabokov is mocking the characters in the novel as well as the readers. One part that interested me in the book, is the fact that the whole basis for why Humbert is the way that he is, could very well be fake. He blames most of his troubles on the loss of his young love, a girl named Annabel Leigh. But, Edgar Allan Poe has a poem called Annabel Lee. Even Humbert remarks about the poem, and there are many similarities between them. But while Humbert is writing this story in prison, he could just be making this story up, to make it seem more appealing to the jury.

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