Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lolita Response #2

I found it interesting that back when Humbert Humbert was in Paris and married to Valeria that he was very cocky and arrogant, "Let me repeat with quite force: I was, and still am, despite mes malheurs, an exceptionally handsome male; slow-moving, tall, with soft dark hair and a gloomy but all the more seductive cast of demeanor"(pg. 25). He thinks of himself as quite a catch, and he is stuck in a marriage that he doesn't want, with someone he isn't attracted to. But once he goes to America and meets Lolita, his perspective of himself changes quite drastically, "But instead I am lanky, big-boned, wooly-chested Humbert Humbert, with thick black eyebrows and a queer accent, and a cesspoolful of rotting monsters behind his slow boyish smile"(pg. 44) This view of himself has changed  so much, in my opinion because he has finally me someone that makes him feel nervous and someone that he is truly attracted to, or in the words of Nabokov, someone that makes him throb.

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